
The Ministry Which Thou Hast Received

Colossians 4:17 And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.

What is ministry? We talk about ministers and my ministry or their ministry. What do we mean by ministry? Oftentimes we think of ministry as a thing that we build, work at, or promote. There may be a sense in which those characterizations are true, but that is missing the fundamental definition of what ministry is. Ministry is something you give, not something you build primarily. God’s work is to give ministry, service or a place of a serving, and our work is simply to fulfill it. Paul is saying goodbye to everyone in this epistle. In verse 17 he says to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.” Notice what God does and notice what we do. “The ministry which thou hast received in the Lord.” Ministry was not something he built, imagined, or for which he had a vision. Ministry was something that was given him by God. God may have given the vision and abilities, but God gave it.

What was Archippus to do with the ministry God had given him? He was to fulfill it, complete it and be faithful over it. Friend, God’s work is to give ministry and our work is to fulfill it. That realization puts things into perspective. It helps us to rely upon God and make sure we are being faithful, not great, known, or prominent, but faithful. There is no mention of skill, greatness, prominence, or fame in these verses. There is simply a listing of God’s servants who were faithful to that which God had given them. I don’t know what God has given you and maybe you don’t fully know what God has given you, but if you will be faithful with what you know today, God will give you fruitful ministry tomorrow.

This devotional was excerpted from one written by Evangelist Wil Rice and used with written permission. You too may receive them several times a week and/or read his past articles at firstlight@billriceranch.org.

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